mercredi, juillet 22, 2009

SDCC 2009

I will be at the San Diego Comic-Con this year !... Well, not really me in person, unfortunately, but my book PaintedGirls ;)

So if you have the opportunity to visit BrandStudio Press table there (H03 on SDCC map) you'll find awesome books from talented artists. And you'll find mine.

And if you have a few seconds to waste, please take a picture of it and send it to me ! It would make my mama proud ;)

lundi, juillet 06, 2009

Impossible de se concentrer dans ces conditions...

No way to concentrate in those conditions...

Le site Bulle d'encre a gentiment édité un timbre avec une de mes pinups :)
Plus d'info ici.

Bulle d'encre website has kindly edited a stamp with one of my pin up :)
More info here